Biosolid Lime Treatment
- Biosolid Lime Treatment
The Eco-Warrior is a mobile soil and treatment processing plant, developed for the mixing and treatment of cakes and biosolids with lime.
Using a continuous flow rather than an individual batch system combined with the warrior’s unique rotating head to achieve a thorough mix of material throughout. Taking either a raw or processed cake to produce a HACCP compliant material or an enhanced product as part of a secondary process. The main benefits of the Eco-Warrior are its portability, ease of use and versatility. Designed to be used on sites where space may be limited, the Eco-Warrior has the ability to be set up on site adjacent to each individual bay of pre-treated material, to process in situ.
The Eco-Warrior is a towable unit mounted on a semi-trailer, which is set up next to material that requires treatment.
The service includes two loading shovels to load and to service treated product from the discharge conveyor, lime tankers and sundry equipment as a complete package. The Eco-Warrior can successfully treat large volumes making it the plant of choice for many of our customers.